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Fermented Pumpkin - Bärbucha Fermenterei.

Autorenbild: TadeuszTadeusz

Aktualisiert: 7. Mai 2023

Pumpkin season is here, so let's take advantage of it.

Bärbucha's Fermented Pumpkin
Fermented Pumpkin - Bärbucha Fermenterei.

This is an updated post. The original one was posted in Fall of 2017.

Pumpkins are quite beneficial health-wise, as they are loaded with beta-carotenes.

Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant, which gives vegetables, and fruits their vibrant orange color. The body converts any ingested beta-carotene into vitamin A.

Beta-carotene is very beneficial for the eyes, and it also helps with certain cancers, asthma, diabetes, and with heart disease.

It also delays aging, and body degeneration.

Pumpkins also are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

Our recipe is quite simple. This is also a great way to use up your decoration Pumpkins.

Back then we worked with those beauties:

2022 gave us these:

So, we started with two orange and one yellow Pumpkin. And we will be making a Lacto-fermented Pumpkin with Ginger and Pumpkin Seeds.

To do that, we have to peel and de-seed the Pumpkins.

Next, we grate them in our very useful food processor.

And that's what we ended up with.

Now it's time for ginger.

We always use freshly juiced ginger in our ferments.

And now it's time for unrefined sea salt. Once the juices come out, we add Pumpkin seeds.

After mixing and adjusting the seasoning, it is time for our Fermentation Jars.

Let's not forget the stones, which will help to keep the Pumpkin mixture submerged in liquid.

Finally, our Pumpkin is ready for the fermentation process.

Few weeks later...

And, when it's finally ready.

Now, it's time for retail jars.

It's soft, slightly sour, gingery and super yummy.

Bärbuchas fermentierter Kürbis.
Fermentiertes Gemüse: Kurbis mit Ingwer und Kurkuma

Ingredients: Pumpkin, Ginger, Pumpkin Seeds and Unrefined Sea Salt.

Disclaimer: All medical information in this post is merely information and not advise. If you need medical advice, please consult your doctor or other appropriate medical professional.

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